The Reuters Institute at Oxford University has released its annual predictions on the future of journalism, particularly in the digital world, for the next 12 months. What key trends in media and AI are highlighted by the research? The report, Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2025, published annually since 2012, surveyed the opinions…
Author: Konstantin Sulimenko

Geneea at Charles University
This week, Geneea’s Jirka Hana joined a panel on the development of Language Technologies and AI-based tools in the Czech Republic. The debate, organized by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at Charles University and the European Language Data Space, brought together top AI innovators from industry, academia and the public sector to discuss…

We’re celebrating Geneea’s 10th birthday
When we started in 2014, we were a small team of four with one generic NLP platform. Fast forward to today, we’ve developed several unique language technologies, completed hundreds of projects, and analyzed billions of texts for some of the biggest brands in the media industry and beyond. Our knowledge database now boasts over 10…

Geneea at WAN IFRA AI Forum
This week, our co-founder Petr Hamerník attended WAN IFRA’s AI Forum in Paris. This conference connects the biggest innovators in AI and journalism, and we are honored to be part of this inspiring community. So, what are the key insights for implementing AI into journalistic processes in 2024? 1) Generative AI is here to stay—it…