Case study

Analyzing the Voice of the Customer for Delivery Hero

Delivery Hero is a German multinational company specializing in the quick delivery of small, mostly food orders. The shared mission of all its branches is to always deliver an amazing experience to their customers. Thus, knowing what their customers enjoy and what they complain about is invaluable.

Aware of the shortcomings of manually analyzing feedback, the Czech and Slovak branches of Delivery Hero, and, turned to Geneea for an AI solution that could automate the whole process. In addition, one aim was to save resources and valuable time. Geneea’s NLP system now analyzes customer feedback on their order and delivery process and on the quality of their call center’s services.

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  • Overwhelming number of answers to open-ended questions
  • Large volume of customer feedback
  • Insufficient capacity to handle feedback manually
  • No regular monitoring
  • Published feedback contains posts with inappropriate language, etc., which must be manually removed


  • Analyze answers with Geneea’s NLP system
  • Use the existing integration for Geneea NLP in Keboola Connection
  • Two AI models: one for delivery and the other for the contact center
  • Integrate the analysis results into the current management dashboards
  • Detect reviews containing inappropriate language and remove them from the web automatically


General results

  • Feedback monitored every day automatically
  • Daily overview of incoming feedback
  • Customer experience improved
  • Only reviews with appropriate language are published on the companies’ websites

Results for the Contact Center

  • The analysis helps to detect issues in the current automatic process. Issues can now be fixed quickly to improve the process.
  • It is now possible to monitor the performance of individual operators and help them to improve their answers when customers have complaints.

Results for Key Account Managers

  • Summary of customer feedback available for individual restaurants
  • Nice overview of customer feedback published every day
  • Help for restaurants to improve the quality of their services (which is great value for Delivery Hero’s partners)
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The Czech and Slovak branches of Delivery Hero have strived to meet and exceed the high expectations that customers have of their services. Thus, it is important to resolve customers’ grievances as quickly and efficiently as possible, which means that wading through the overwhelming amount of customer feedback manually is not an option. Geneea’s AI analyzes incoming feedback every day. It detects problems, identifies areas of improvement for individual restaurants and operators, and publishes easy-to-look-at dashboards. As a result, customer satisfaction has been rising steadily.

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About Delivery Hero

Based in Berlin, Germany, the multinational online food-delivery service has a wide range of local brands in over 70 countries across the globe and partners with more than 500,000 restaurants. The company has increasingly branched out beyond food delivery and is a leading player in the emerging category of quick commerce as it can deliver small batch orders in under an hour.

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